[RFI] ARRL to FCC...

Dale J. dj2001x at comcast.net
Fri Mar 21 10:37:07 EDT 2014

Well Kim, the short answer is, I'm not willing to go to war with my next door neighbor.  

Sure, I could complain to the FCC and may or may not get relief, but I'd still have to live next door to my neighbors.  That's why I would like to see better oversight of potential RFI generators being sold to the general public.  The ultimate burden should, must be placed on the manufacturer of the errant product, not on the end user or me.  

Dale, k9vuj

On 21, Mar 2014, at 9:19, Kim Elmore <cw_de_n5op at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> I'll ask again: How does this help you solve your RFI problem? This may help vent your spleen, but I don't understand how this helps solve your immediate problem. I await enlightenment. 
> Kim N5OP
> "People that make music together cannot be enemies, at least as long as the music lasts." -- Paul Hindemith
>> On Mar 21, 2014, at 8:53, "Dale J." <dj2001x at comcast.net> wrote:
>> I think you all are missing the point.  
>> The idea is to be proactive and stop the junk from ever hitting the shelves in the first place.  True, it's too late for the junk that's already out there, If you want to go to war with your neighbors, fine, complain and hope for the best, but your neighbors I don't believe will take kindly to the FCC letter stating their TV is illegal and interfering with a ham radio operator therefore must be shut down or risk a $10000 fine.
>> Dale, k9vuj
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