[RFI] ARRL to FCC...

Ward Silver hwardsil at gmail.com
Fri Mar 21 11:56:57 EDT 2014

Laura Smith pretty much said the exact same thing at a 2012 forum. The 
FCC will not take any blanket action against manufacturers unless 
Congress approves and directs it to do so.

You can complain to the FCC all you want - and in specific instances 
letters will be written or specific products might be taken off the 
market - but they have no mandate to impose significant test or 
compliance requirements on manufacturers or importers.  Many consumer 
appliances and devices are covered by broad exemptions from EMC 
compliance, relying on the must-not-interfere requirement to manage the 
problem on a case-by-case basis instead of extending radiated and 
conducted limits below 30 MHz.

Talk to your representatives to educate them about the problem and why 
it is important.  Broadcasters and wireless data providers are also 
starting to realize that the rising noise floor is hurting them, too, 
and they have money so it's nice to have them sending the same message.

73, Ward N0AX

On 3/21/2014 10:38 AM, rfi-request at contesting.com wrote:
> It was Congress that caused this problem by gutting the FCC and only Congress
> can cure it.
> I think it will be more productive complaining to our Congresspeople than to an
> impotent FCC.
> 73, Roger N1RJ

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