[RFI] ARRL to FCC...
Dale J.
dj2001x at comcast.net
Fri Mar 21 12:40:09 EDT 2014
Hi David, I hear ya, but I can handle myself pretty well, in other words nobody takes my lunch without paying for it :).
I have had a very good relationship with the local power company, Xcel Energy, but I do try to locate the pole or the area first before I call them out. Once out I stay with the crew looking for the noise. They have been very helpful. I wish the plasma tv was out on a pole somewhere, then the job would be easy.
I find it difficult going into someone else's home and start barking orders about their personal items, telling them their light dimmer is causing interference and has to be replaced or else. It wouldn't sit well with me and I would expect they wouldn't like it either. I just don't believe it should be up to the homeowner and me to have to resolve issues like this when it all could have been avoided with proper oversight of items being sold in stores to average consumers who really have no idea about it except it's cost and if it will work for them.
Dale, k9vuj
On 21, Mar 2014, at 11:16, "David Harmon" <k6xyz at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> Dale.....I must say that with an attitude like yours you must be easy
> pickins when you walk down the street.
> Guy comes up to you says 'gimme your lunch money'...you fork it over....he
> eats, you don't.
> I had bad 20/9 powerline noise for almost 3 years and while the power
> company sent guys out to fix it....I found the poles for them....it didn't
> get fixed.
> After 3 years of them giving me their 'dog ate my homework' excuses.....I
> went to their office and had a friendly conversation with a manager.
> During this conversation I mentioned that I would reluctantly get the OK
> Corporation Commission and the FCC involved if the power company could not
> fix it.
> Magically......several weeks later this noise went away and has not
> returned......I had a S3 noise level on 80mtrs last night on the HI-Gain
> High-Tower vertical.
> I am the only amateur radio operator around here and I didn't need any help
> to get this fixed....so your justification to yourself not to get this fixed
> is just another dog ate my homework excuse.
> Get out there and find out where the noise is coming from and I'll bet you
> can get it fixed before sundown today.
> Meanwhile....GIMME YOUR LUNCH MONEY!!!!
> 73
> David Harmon
> Sperry, OK
> -----Original Message-----
> From: RFI [mailto:rfi-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Dale J.
> Sent: Friday, March 21, 2014 10:55 AM
> To: dave at nk7z.net
> Cc: rfi at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [RFI] ARRL to FCC...
> David, it helps to have more than one ham station affected. Three against
> the neighbor lends some support to the problem and ultimate resolve,
> especially if your ham friend is 6 ft 5 in, 240 and a body builder.
> Dale, k9vuj
> On 21, Mar 2014, at 9:52, David Cole <dave at nk7z.net> wrote:
>> Hi Dale,
>> I actually don't care if the neighbor takes kindly or not to his
>> $1000.00 plasma TV messing up my $2000.00 radio... I have no
>> intention of becoming so politically correct as to lose my hobby for
>> want of ticking someone off. Let the neighbor worry about ticking me
> off...
>> After all, it is not me spraying RFI everywhere.
>> Don't get me wrong, I will bend over backwards working with someone
>> who is attempting to help, I will even buy replacement items, (not
>> TV's), but if they take the attitude that it is just too bad, and
>> won't work with me, then I have no recourse but to involve the FCC, or
>> lose my hobby.
>> I had a neighbor who installed two of those xenon lamps using Chinese
>> switchers, 40 watters... Wiped out my radio totally, and three other
>> hams radios as well around the area.. He decided he did not need to do
>> anything about it, and it was just too bad for us... I tried to be
>> nice, I tried to be sweet, I even offered to buy new lights, he just
>> decided that he was not going to do anything about them... A note
>> from that FCC ended that instantly...
>> Turns out he had enclosed two wall warts in sheet rock cavities, and
>> did not want to spend the money to dig them out of some enclosed space
>> he had built them into... Don't ask me how or why he did that, but
>> that was the reason given... In any case within 30 days my radio was
>> back to working again...
>> If we are to keep our bands clean, we all must start reporting this
>> sort of thing to the FCC and the ARRL every time...
>> Look at the results, some folks reported Grow lights as an issue to
>> the ARRL, and the ARRL did testing, and then damned near demanded that
>> the FCC get this item removed...
>> As of this morning, neither Sears, or whoever the distributer was in
>> CA has them on their websites, I know the fellow in CA did, and now it
>> is gone... THIS IS POSITIVE ACTION, and it helps every one of us.
>> So... If you have an RFI problem, report it, use your rights to enjoy
>> your radio-- clear of RFI...
>> Report RFI when it is a problem for you. Don't report RFI if it is
>> not an issue, but if it is bothering you, report it!
>> Please... You are not only helping yourself, you are helping every
>> ham in your general area.
>> --
>> Thanks and 73's,
>> For equipment, and software setups and reviews see:
>> www.nk7z.net
>> for MixW support see;
>> http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/mixw/info
>> for Dopplergram information see:
>> http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/dopplergram/info
>> for MM-SSTV see:
>> http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/MM-SSTV/info
>> On Fri, 2014-03-21 at 09:19 -0500, Kim Elmore wrote:
>>> I'll ask again: How does this help you solve your RFI problem? This may
> help vent your spleen, but I don't understand how this helps solve your
> immediate problem. I await enlightenment.
>>> Kim N5OP
>>> "People that make music together cannot be enemies, at least as long
>>> as the music lasts." -- Paul Hindemith
>>>> On Mar 21, 2014, at 8:53, "Dale J." <dj2001x at comcast.net> wrote:
>>>> I think you all are missing the point.
>>>> The idea is to be proactive and stop the junk from ever hitting the
> shelves in the first place. True, it's too late for the junk that's already
> out there, If you want to go to war with your neighbors, fine, complain and
> hope for the best, but your neighbors I don't believe will take kindly to
> the FCC letter stating their TV is illegal and interfering with a ham radio
> operator therefore must be shut down or risk a $10000 fine.
>>>> Dale, k9vuj
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