[RFI] Grow-light..

Hare, Ed W1RFI w1rfi at arrl.org
Fri Mar 28 06:19:49 EDT 2014

The growers also don't want people to know what they are growing because some of them would want to steal their crops.    An identifiable noise signature is a dead giveaway.
From: RFI [rfi-bounces at contesting.com] on behalf of Gary Smith [Gary at ka1j.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2014 10:11 PM
To: rfi at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] Grow-light..

If it were me, I would do what I could without trespassing to be
really sure it is their house. If you do suspect grow lights are the
cause of the noise, I'd see what others do to curtail grow light RFI
and if you know your neighbor, let them know you are getting RFI from
them and that it is like fluorescent or bright lights make and give
them the information you found. You might tell them you don't know
for sure its from their house but that if it doesn't go away you'll
have to ask the FCC to come to the neighborhood & locate where it is
coming from.

I'd never mention grow lights to them, no need to make them think of
you if they otherwise get busted & want to get even. Keep it strictly
on topic of RFI from their house

Nowadays many of the growers are using fluorescent lights of the
proper spectrum for growing "veggies" & High pressure Sodium lights
aren't used as much as they were a few years ago. Regardless of what
they're using, if you give them something they can buy to plug any
kind of leak & they think the FCC actually would do something (like
come to their house to investigate), they'll do whats needed to keep
things under the table & you'll get the RFI removed stat.




> What color are grow-lights?
> The reason I ask is that last night, late, about 4:00 AM, I happened to look
> out our upstairs window as I headed to the bathroom, and noticed very
> bright, pinkish light emanating from a neighbor's window.
> It is on 24/7.
> I then listened to two recordings I got from the ARRL's site, and both sound
> very similar to what I am hearing on 80 meters, although not quite.
> Anyone?
> Kenneth G. Gordon W7EKB

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