[RFI] Shielded vs unshielded loops - difference

Kenneth G. Gordon kgordon2006 at frontier.com
Fri Mar 28 15:17:27 EDT 2014

"The unshielded loop will...respond to electrostatically induced noise."


"The shielded loop , on the other hand,  is almost insensitive to 
electrostatically induced noise."

In other words, the shielded loop is NOT a good choice to DF the types of 
noise we are most often bothered by, while the un-shielded loop is 
specifically sensitive to such noise.

So, my use of my NM-20B, with its shielded loop, was counter-productive.

Kenneth G. Gordon W7EKB

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."--- John   Wayne

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