[RFI] Sungevity Solar RFI

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Thu May 1 20:55:50 EDT 2014

On 5/1/2014 4:56 PM, Anthony (N2KI) wrote:
> Does anyone have a solar system, specifically from Sungevity?  I am
> interested to know if there is any RFI from their inverters or do you cause
> any RFI to your solar panels or inverter from your HF transmissions?

Two points. First, charge regulators are also known to generate RFI. So 
some questions to ask are, specifically what makes and models are used 
for these functions, and will the installer of the system agree, in 
writing as part of the purchase contract, that the system, as installed, 
be free of RFI to you satisfaction?

73, Jim K9YC

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