[RFI] FCC contact?

Dale J. dj2001x at comcast.net
Sat May 10 15:52:50 EDT 2014


Here is the link to the Enforcement branch of the FCC:


The contact number to call is on the right side of the page under the picture of the acting bureau chief Mr. LeBlanc.

I'm interested as to how this goes for you and the ease of contacting the FCC and their responses.  

It would probably be a good idea to keep notes, times, dates and who you speak with etc. 
Also witnesses to the noise problem and their names addresses etc.

Back when I was working a few years ago I had to keep phone conversation records of all calls, times, dates, names and what was discussed.  We were sued once and these phone records came in very handy.  The plaintiff lost, hi.  Conversation records are very useful.   

Dale, K9VUJ

On 10, May 2014, at 13:08, Kenneth G. Gordon <kgordon2006 at frontier.com> wrote:

> Anyone have a possible contact number for someone at the FCC who might be 
> interested in helping address our noise problem here?
> Ken W7EKB
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