[RFI] Handheld HF direction finder

Kenneth G. Gordon kgordon2006 at frontier.com
Sun May 18 18:14:48 EDT 2014

On 18 May 2014 at 21:50, Rich Hallman - N7TR wrote:

> I need to track down a broadcast station mixing problem, and seem to be
> close to the source I think but unable to nail the location.   Is there a
> direction finding solution others have used for 80 and 40 meters that worked
> for them?    Thanks....Rich 

Hello, Rich:

Nice Collins and Drake setups you have on QRZ.com.

When you say you are possibly "close" to the source, how close do you 

The reason I ask is that if you are very close, you will need a rig with 
a pretty good attenuator in conjunction with it.

Also, what frequencies are you specifically dealing with?


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