[RFI] WallyHome?

Gary K9GS garyk9gs at wi.rr.com
Mon Sep 1 17:51:11 EDT 2014

Came across this today.  Nice idea but it uses home wiring as a giant 
antenna to sense extremely low power sensors.  Uses 27 MHz transmitters 
indirectly coupled into power lines.  It looks like a disaster for 
anyone using 10 or 12 meters.


Here is a white paper with technical details on the SNUPI system (Sensor 
Nodes Using Power-line Infrastructure) :



Gary K9GS

Greater Milwaukee DX Association: http://www.gmdxa.org
Society of Midwest Contesters: http://www.w9smc.com
CW Ops #1032   http://www.cwops.org


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