[RFI] Tecsun PL-660 for chasing RFI [Was: Is Icom IC-T90a AM-mode good for chasing RFI?]

qrv at kd4e.com qrv at kd4e.com
Mon Sep 22 10:24:17 EDT 2014

Are you using the PL-380 or some other specific model, please?

What are the limitations compared to the PL-660?

I noticed that the newer PL-880 received bad reviews for audio
distortion, esp. in synch-detect mode - unrelated to RFI chasing
but important for use apart from that.

David KD4E

> I bought one of these, not the 660 but another lower priced model on
> Amazon.  It came in the box brand new and works fb.  K9YC recommended
> and he's right, they are a lot of rx for the money.
> I also use a hand held on the aircraft band to find noise.  It's been
> fairly clean around here lately so I haven't been walking around the
> area looking for noise.
> 73 Dale, k9vuj


David Colburn, KD4E - Nevils, Georgia USA

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