[RFI] ROTHR Interference?
Paul Christensen
w9ac at arrl.net
Tue Sep 30 13:50:26 EDT 2014
For the past month, I've been plagued with a "chopping" interference between
80m-30m. The interference is not local, it's ionospheric. This is not a
form of interference you find by getting out and searching the neighborhood.
Ops from Florida are hearing this and I hear it being discussed on the
80m/40m nets. it started about three months ago. It has the same level as
the Department of Homeland Security's ROTHR system that detects illicit
controlled-substance traffic in the Caribbean by triangulating pings from
three high-power ROTHR systems located in Texas, VA, and PR. I have not
heard the usual ROTHR sweeps during this time. This new form of sweep may
have taken the place of the older ping that sweeps at a rate of 100 kHz/sec.
That sweep sounded like someone transmitting a carrier and spinning the VFO
knob at a constant rate. The new sweep has a fast chopping component as
well as fast pulses within each sweep. This lasts for a bit over 2 minutes
and repeats at different parts of the spectrum between 3-10 MHz. If any of
you recall the "Russian Woodpecker," it sound much like that system only
with faster pulses.
Like the DHS ROTHR, it's us folk in Florida that get the brunt of it. If
you operate outside of the southeast U.S., you may not even hear it.
I have attached a photo of the sweep at the opening of my QRZ.com page.
Anyone know for sure if DHS changed the sweep pattern?
Paul, W9AC
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