[RFI] ARRL Board of Directors resolution related to FCC enforcement of radio-interference issues

qrv at kd4e.com qrv at kd4e.com
Sat Aug 1 11:21:46 EDT 2015

I'm not saying we should not expect government agencies
to do the jobs we pay them to do - but where there's a
history of wrong priorities (and sometimes worse) the
wrong answer is more funding.

We trust agencies to do right, yes?

Well, there's been no evidence in modern history of a
Federal agency making decisions based on something other
than an even-handed fact-based evaluation - free of
external partisan meddling?

Our executive branch is free of selfish crony-capitalist


A billion dollar corporation is going to stand silent
while the FCC either forces their product to be removed
or re-engineered at great expense?

In the automotive industry the recall process is driven
by fear of litigation and public anger when people are
injured - little threat of either exists in RFI cases.

Years ago in a masters of public administration program
one course was titled "Bureaucracy". The book was huge.
When I was about half way through I said to the prof
"Things can't be that bad - nothing would ever get done."
Then I worked for the government for a couple of years
and discovered that it was much worse.

Juat sayin' ... David KD4E

> The FCC can and does have teeth any time it chooses. It  has issued 
> fines again and again in support of whatever agenda exists
> What partisan politics reason would the FCC have for not taking 
> action on high-powered lighting controllers operating at 58 dB above 
> the limits, handed to them on a silver platter?


*David* KD4E
ARES-EC Bulloch County, Nevils, Georgia USA

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