[RFI] 40 Meter RFI Issue

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Mon Aug 31 19:56:51 EDT 2015

On Mon,8/31/2015 1:20 PM, Michael Coslo wrote:
> It’s a Flex6300.

That model lacks a pre-selector.

> Nothing has changed in the shack since the day I got it, and through the winter, 40 meters was in pretty constant use, and was working well until around a month ago, when this interference showed up.

Did you, your XYL, or a neighbor buy something and start using it around 
that time?

> I’ve done everything locally except for turning the entire house off. Which is a little difficult to do with the 6300 because it runs through the house router and has a computer attached.

Hmmm. Can't you bypass the router, run the radio on battery, and connect 
directly from a laptop?

> I also see the interference on a little RXTX ensemble I built that I use outside the house. That might be the ticket for turning off house power, since I can run the RXTX off a battery, and same with the laptop attached to it.

Pardon my ignorance. What's an "RX/TX ensemble?"  If you mean a 
computer-controlled transceiver, yes, that could help troubleshoot.

BUT -- if this does turn out to be an overload issue, you'll need 
something far more bulletproof connected to your antenna.  Perhaps you 
can borrow a K3 or KX3, both of which have serious preselectors, and see 
if you hear the trash. Even better if you can borrow one with a P3 or 
PX3. If it doesn't see the trash, you know it's overload.  If it does, 
then it's not overload, the trash is on frequency, and you'll need to 
walk/drive around to zero in on it.

Also -- any portable RX is going to need a pretty long antenna to hear 
this stuff.

73, Jim K9YC

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