[RFI] Laser Christmas Lights

Gary Smith wa6fgi at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 4 12:12:21 EST 2015

Hi ED.

Hope the leads help,

Glad you are on top of the rampant sources of RFI that is coming out of 
China by the shipload.


On 12/4/2015 7:18 AM, Hare, Ed W1RFI wrote:
> Thanks. I am going to take a trip there next week and buy one to test. I'd really like to know whether these meet the FCC limits or not.  Interference reports give me a good excuse to do that. :-)
> ________________________________________
> From: RFI [rfi-bounces at contesting.com] on behalf of wa6fgi via RFI [rfi at contesting.com]
> Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2015 7:23 PM
> To: wa6fgi via RFI
> Subject: Re: [RFI] Laser Christmas Lights
> Discovered  that available at Target, toy r usGary...wa6fgi
> Sent from my Galaxy Tab® A-------- Original message --------From: wa6fgi via RFI <rfi at contesting.com> Date: 12/03/2015  3:47 PM  (GMT-08:00) To: "Hare, Ed  W1RFI" <w1rfi at arrl.org>, Kirb Nesbitt <k.nesbitt at shaw.ca>, Greg's <radiotrade at rogers.com>, rfi at contesting.com Subject: Re: [RFI] Laser Christmas Lights
> Look for brand name "star shower". My neighbor has two, is destroying the 10 meter band. Gary...wa6fgi
> Sent from my Galaxy Tab® A-------- Original message --------From: "Hare, Ed  W1RFI" <w1rfi at arrl.org> Date: 12/02/2015  8:28 AM  (GMT-08:00) To: Kirb Nesbitt <k.nesbitt at shaw.ca>, Greg's <radiotrade at rogers.com>, rfi at contesting.com Subject: Re: [RFI] Laser Christmas Lights
> I went to my local Lowes and didn't find one.   Does anyone have a model number?  Was it really at Lowes, or maybe some other store?
> Ed, W1RFI
> ________________________________________
> From: RFI [rfi-bounces at contesting.com] on behalf of Kirb Nesbitt [k.nesbitt at shaw.ca]
> Sent: Monday, November 23, 2015 12:55 AM
> To: Greg's; rfi at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [RFI] Laser Christmas Lights
> Greg,
> suggest getting the product manufacturer and model no. of the device in
> question and submit this to IC. Request a response.
> We have them here on our street but fortunately a ways down the road
> from us (so far). Let us know what response you receive from IC.
> 73,
> Kirb,  VE6IV
> --
> On 15-11-22 06:44 PM, Greg's wrote:
>> Beware- like most electronic junk allowed to be sold today, the new "laser Christmas lights" that project various patterns on your neighbours decorated house, are RFI buzz machines.
>> Mine (and the ones up and down the street) take care of killing most the HF spectrum and includes some nice AM BC Band swaths of frequencies as well.
>> Mine and units were sold by Lowes , and have a plastic lens globe on the front of the fixture, which is pointed towards the desired surface to make a pretty pattern.
>> The  "destructive" RFI range heard on my portable radio was + 40 feet.  Seems these lights are the new, popular effect this year and most folks may be surrounded by installations.
>> Unfortunately,  my antennas are also all within a 25 foot separation of the neighbours, and the general increase in noise floor from the residential area won't make for a Merry Christmas.
>> Greg
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