[RFI] (Fwd) Fw: help me identify the noise...etc.
Kenneth G. Gordon
kgordon2006 at frontier.com
Wed Dec 23 15:18:35 EST 2015
OK. I am going to try this one more time: the ham who sent me the e-mail
below needs some advice from the group. I first attempted to include his
photo in my post to the forum, but it was too large, and got bounced.
The photo he sent shows what, to my mind, is a pretty unusual waveform for
the noise in question, and I would like some of you to read his descriptioin,
look at the photo, and tell me if it looks like anything familiar.
I can send the photo to anyone who asks for it.
His rig is a KX3 and he can run it on a battery.
Thank you for any help you can provide.
vy 73 and Merry Christmas.
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Subject: Fw: help me identify the noise...etc.
Date sent: Wed, 23 Dec 2015 04:31:11 +0000
Hello Ken
It was great to talk to you this evening.
This is the noise I'm seeing. I think I have a video as well.
Maybe you can help me with this sporadic noise source.
The things I know about the noise source - see attached photo.
* This is not from the radio, if I disconnect the antenna the noise goes
* This is not from my house, as I turn off all the AC power to my house I
still see the noise.
* The noise seems to turn on every 10 minutes or so and lasts for 5
minutes or so.
* It seems to be 20KHz apart but is broad band in terms of the
* It seems to have hit when the cold weather came to town
I see the noise on the 15 and 17 meter bands.
It is not debilitating and I'm still able to operate.
My antenna is a 31 foot vertical with a number of raised radials. I run
about 100 foot of RG8X.
I use the KX3 tuner to tune into the band I want to operate.
Just thought he might have ideas. See attachment, and I have higher
resolution photos and a video if you want.
Much Regards
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Kenneth G. Gordon W7EKB
"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."--- John Wayne
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