[RFI] computer shut down

Stephanie WX3K wx3k at ptd.net
Wed Dec 30 12:18:15 EST 2015

Ok, i looked at your web pics and see the tower arrangement. 

If 30 meters is the only problematic band, chances are you have cabling dress that is resonant on 30 meters and this may be coupling RF into your monitors/computers. 

Are all your rotor control lines RF decoupled ?

Are all coax cables bonded to an entry panel with a nice low impedance RF ground ?

Do you use power strips with AC line brute force filtering ?

I am asking these questions as a means of understanding your situation

Just trying to help :)

Stephanie WX3K

> On Dec 30, 2015, at 11:34 AM, Stephanie WX3K <wx3k at ptd.net> wrote:
> Good morning, 
> Where is your 30 meter beam in relationship to your shack ? Distance, height. What model is it or is it a wire beam ? When you say VSWR is fine does that mean the antenna is flat across the band without the use of a tuner ?
> Stephanie WX3K
>> On Dec 29, 2015, at 4:33 PM, W9RPM <john at w9rpm.com> wrote:
>> Hi, I recently started having a problem on 30 meters with one computer with Multiple Monitors jumping everything around on different screens, and another computer shutting down. I have a couple of other computers in the shack that are not affected. I did install a new 30 meter beam, and the problem seems to have started after that. SWR is fine. This is running 200W.
>> Any ideas of where to start?
>> 73 John W9RPM
>> -- 
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