[RFI] 40M OTH Radar?

Karin Johnson karinann at tampabay.rr.com
Thu Dec 31 19:32:08 EST 2015

I'm soliciting any signal reports about a signal that looks like it might be
some type of Radar.

Although in AM mode this signal has a strong 60Hz line component.

It appears around sunset here in Florida on random frequencies usually from
7100 kHz 

Down to about 6950 kHz.  This evening I've heard here at my location and on

WebSDR receivers, one in Alabama and the other in Texas.  The signal

In a 10 kHz wide filter in AM mode peaks at -81 dBm in a calibrated

This signal has been heard at my location for almost a month now.  It is not

Local.  Any responses would be appreciated.  I have reported this signal to 

The ARRL intruder watch.


Karin Anne Johnson  K3UU

Palm Harbor, FL

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