[RFI] Noise Cancelling demo from WB6DJI

Tim Duffy k3lr at k3lr.com
Wed Feb 4 20:18:21 EST 2015

I received this email tonight and thought it might be of interest to those
of you with RX noise troubles. Operation video as posted on YouTube.

Tim K3LR @ DX Engineering


From: Michael Aust [ava622 at verizon.net]
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2015 6:46 PM
To: Tim Duffy

DXE-NCC-1 video with Kenwood TS-990S


Hear Super Rare DX Station KN1 on my TS-990S with New DXE-NCC-1 Noise Phase
Nuller Reduces my Power Zap Noise from S9+10 to S3 ( No Distortion - Just
use NR1 on TS-990S ) Noise a my QTH  terrible, so I had take action with
added a Noise Nuller for my TS-990S.

Note, it cleans up BandScope & Waterfall greatly !!

Also, Thank You, Kenwood for Version 1.09 Firmware, The Screen Scrolling
feature is great !

My Main Antenna is a Hex Beam, The Noise Sense Antenna is a vertical piece
of 4 foot wire using a 1:9 balun ( 50 ohm  to 450 ohm ) which is broadband
from 40 meters to 6 meters and will not interfere with my Main Signals from
my Hex Beam. 

Please Note : 
Noise Antenna must hear noise Louder than your Main Antenna to get the Noise
Null. So it is important to put Noise Source Antenna as close to the
Noise Source as possible. Works also great with Plasma TV Noise from my
neighbor as well.

Great Solution !! 

Now I can Work DX, including K1N !!!

Had to live with this S9+10 Noise on my TS-990S constantly until I found
the DXC-NCC-1 solution to mate up with my TS-990S !

73 Mike WB6DJI

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