[RFI] A request for RFI service.

Charles Plunk af4o at arrl.net
Sat Feb 7 19:30:45 EST 2015

Hi Dale,

I don't think....it will be developed in my lifetime. Its a 12k acre 
state forest criss crossed with narrow gravel roads. Even though there 
is no overnight backcountry camping allowed, i got permission from the 
rangers to day camp with a screened porch to keep the bugs off in the 
warmer months. No industry, etc much around. Several lake type 
retirement developments not far away basically flopped years ago. You 
can get nice houses there fairly cheap. The new county mayor campaigned 
on getting a lake built but this is the third time thats been tried in 
about 4 decades. Maybe 4 active hams in the county.

But if you want to gather up the grip and the weather is fairly decent, 
its rfi free paradise.

I was about 50 yards off one of the gravel roads and 2 horseback riders 
and 2 pickups (one pulling the horse trailer) seen all day long. FT817, 
gell cell, wire in tree maybe 70' high pneumatic cannon launched, key.


On 02/07/2015 06:10 PM, dalej wrote:
> chuck,
> You are lucky guy.  If everybody had that chance, then you might not be alone in your paradise, hi.  Hope you can keep it yours at least in your lifetime.  Just keep an eye on your local government entity and when they get the developers money, watch out.
> Cheers
> Dale, k9vuj
> On 07, Feb 2015, at 17:45, Charles Plunk <af4o at arrl.net> wrote:
> After reading all this i especially enjoyed operating in the middle of a large forest today in FYBO without any rfi generators for hundreds of yards if not miles. Absolute zero noise level on every band and signals jumped out like bass jumping on a glass still pond. Made 20 5 watt to 5 watt qso's and 1 5 watt to 1 watt qso.
> Chuck
> AF4O
> On 02/07/2015 05:30 PM, CR wrote:
>> On 2/7/2015 5:48 PM, David Cole wrote:
>>> Hunting RFI is like pealing an Onion, you remove one layer, only to find
>>> another..
>> I used to tell managers and coworkers that FIXING RFI is like a bucket; you can't carry the water unless you patch all the holes. Not very far, anyway.
>> Cortland
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