[RFI] Zapped

Donald Chester k4kyv at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 25 14:52:33 EST 2015

> "You folks are throwing away your MW because of this thread I think is 
> silly."
> I toss mine when electronics tens of feet away shut down and the uW leakage 
> detector pegs at several feet.
> Kurt 

I have a 20 y.o. Raytheon RadarRange. It still works fine, but it used to send my wi-fi internet 'radio', about 10 ft away, into buffering mode while it was running.  The laptop was never affected.  When I replaced my dinky little $20 wireless router with a top-of-the-line one, I stopped having that problem.

I might worry about the biohazard effects of microwave radiation if I were standing right in front of a parabolic dish, but not signals at that level, any more than I am concerned about the dangers of "EMR" from my 75m dipole or my 160m vertical.

This paranoia over non-ionising radiation is way overblown.

Don k4kyv

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