[RFI] RF getting into 4-port wirelss router.

Kenneth G. Gordon kgordon2006 at frontier.com
Sun Jan 11 23:53:40 EST 2015

On 11 Jan 2015 at 23:37, Tom Haavisto wrote:

> I guess the bigger question is - why is there so much RF in your shack to blow
> stuff up?

The router is upstairs from my shack, at least 30 feet away. There does not 
appear to be ANY RF "in the shack", which is in the basement at the other 
end of the house from the router.

> How are your antennas oriented that they are able to put so much RF in your
> shack...

The only antenna I have is a ground-mounted 55' tall vertical with 4 buried 
66-foot-long radials. It is mounted less than 20 feet away from the house.

Ever since we have been in this house, I have had constant trouble with RF 
getting into GFCI's and other things, especially on 40 meters. It used to be 
that whenever I was on 40 meters, the GFCI at the washing machine in the 
basement would trip. It hasn't done that for a while, though.

I SUSPECT (but only suspect, mind you) that something in the house wiring 
is resonant at 40 meters. Some of the wiring in this old house is still 
knob-and-tube wiring.


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