[RFI] RF getting into 4-port wirelss router.

dalej dj2001x at comcast.net
Mon Jan 12 11:51:44 EST 2015

Ken, also, I don't think it's RF causing your routers to fail.  If that were the case they'd surely fail more often than a year apart.  Something else is causing the routers to fail like that.  Could it be high line voltage, or perhaps a faulty distribution transformer out on the pole causing an intermittent spike or surge once in a while, like on a windy day, let your imagination run free with this and nothing is off the table?

Dale, K9VUJ

On 12, Jan 2015, at 10:18, "Kenneth G. Gordon" <kgordon2006 at frontier.com> wrote:

On 12 Jan 2015 at 4:58, dalej wrote:

> Ken, sounds like you still have a electrical wiring issue in your house.  These
> little outlet testers are handy,

Good suggestion. I have a couple. All I have to do now is FIND one... If I 
can't find one, I'll go buy another one. They're cheap.

> got mine at Home Depot and made by Commercial
> Electric, not very expensive and you just plug it into the outlets to test open
> ground, open neutral, open hot, hot/gnd reverse, hot neutral reverse, and
> finally if the outlet is wired correctly.  I found one outlet in the kitchen
> where the safety ground was missing.  Dangerous as it was next to the sink and
> where a coffee pot was plugged in.  That one took me totally by surprise. 
> Expect the unexpected.

Yes, indeed!!!

> Anyway good luck with it.

Thank you, Dale. I really appreciate your suggestions.


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