[RFI] RF getting into 4-port wirelss router.

Roger (K8RI) k8ri at rogerhalstead.com
Wed Jan 14 00:46:36 EST 2015

On 1/13/2015 8:27 PM, KD7JYK DM09 wrote:
> : That is NOT a choke, it is an inductor, which can resonate with a cable
> : whose length makes it capacitive. An effective choke must cause the
> : common mode circuit to have a high common mode Z at the frequency(ies)
> I guess there's no chance in Hell of it ever working then...


It is an inductor with substantial distributed capacitance forming a 
parallel   resonant circuit with a very high impedance at resonance.  A 
very effective method of stopping RF passage. On a single line they are 
often used with a series resonant circuit to ground to effectively short 
out the remaining RF.

>   Sorry OM,
> you're screwed.  It's not a choke (despite the term being in use since the
> late 1800's because it "choked off" stray currents) and all those chokes I

Old, misused  terms die hard

> made to permanently cure my RFI are apparently just using up wire.  My
> mistake.

No, they just work for a different reason.

> Photos of RFI before, after, and the century plus design non-chokes I made
> to cure it upon request.

Parallel resonant circuits are very effective. No one is arguing that point.


Roger (K8RI)

> Kurt
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