[RFI] w7ekb & ground rods

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Thu Jan 15 21:27:17 EST 2015

On Thu,1/15/2015 5:23 PM, Donald W. Kane via RFI wrote:
> NEC requires minimum 6 ft. between ground electrodes..for better
> performance minimum 2X electrode length (e.g. 16 ft for 8 ft rods).

The concern with rod spacing is that there is inductive coupling between 
them, with reduces their combined effectiveness. Spacing equal to their 
length is considered a minimum, 1.5-2X is better. The other tradeoff is 
the inductance of the connecting wires, which is why 2X is probably a 
practical maximum. Many years ago, I attended grounding workshop where 
the teacher obsessed on ground electrode length and spacing for 4 hours, 
complete with the math.

73, Jim K9YC

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