[RFI] Electric Fence pulsing (will get worse soon !)

Joe Wolfe w7rkn.7 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 5 16:48:32 EDT 2015

Why not ask him to momentarily turn the fence off so you can see if your
noise goes away.  If it doesn't.......

Joe  - W7RKN

-----Original Message-----
From: RFI [mailto:rfi-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Mike Smith VE9AA
Subject: Re: [RFI] Electric Fence pulsing (will get worse soon !)

Thanks Dale !  Good advice.  I think even though I can hear a bit now, I am
going to wait and see what it's like when it (the new part of the fence)
gets really close to me.  Maybe I'll luck out in that when he enlarges the
fencing area fo the first time, a (bad) corner gets repaired or a bunch of
weeds grass gets cut or eaten by the horses. (I won't bet on it, but I
suppose it could happen).

I don't think now is the time to go crying fowl.....In fact, I only just met
the guy, even though he's only perhaps 1000' from me, it's down over a
ravine and through the woods from my property and on a different road.

Seems like a nice enough guy and he nodded and whatnot when I told him about
some fence QRM I had years ago.

Wait and see for now I guess. Gather info....I just downloaded the ARRL
stuff....(better to respond than react)  Maybe since the grass growth has
really only taken off in the past ~3weeks that's why I am all of a sudden
started to hear it?  I haven't really had my HF radio on here the shack in
well over a month.

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