[RFI] LED lighting

Hare, Ed W1RFI w1rfi at arrl.org
Mon Jul 27 20:46:18 EDT 2015

Thanks. Any and all reports are really appreciated. I am glad not to hear of major problems, but a "bad" manufacturer could crop up at any time.  I want to build on my IEEE connection to the Power and Energy Society and help the utilities buy a good product.   I will let them be scared of what this might to do to AM radio. :-)

From: RFI [rfi-bounces at contesting.com] on behalf of CR [ka5s at earthlink.net]
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2015 6:05 PM
To: rfi at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] LED lighting

On 7/27/2015 5:33 PM, Hare, Ed W1RFI wrote:
> Do these look like LED lights from the ground? I can be on the lookout for them here, too.  If we ever start seeing noisy LED streetlights, we are in BIG trouble.
> Ed, W1RFI

Lowell MI has been replacing their incandescents with LED's, and its
pretty close; I'll throw an antenna on the car and check theirs for
"harmful interference".


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