[RFI] RFI Broadcast Station Mixing in Crank-Up tower?

Leigh Sedgwick bipi at comcast.net
Mon Oct 19 23:08:27 EDT 2015


I used to have an similar issue but with broad-band noise generated with my
crank-up tower.  A very high noise level would occur and I could go out and
crank it up a few feet or down a few feet and it would go away.  I greased
the tower guides and over time the problem just ceased.  The tower has
always been grounded but just the bottom section.  I haven't had the problem
now for quite a few years.  Maybe some conductive grease would help (I
cannot honestly remember what type of grease I used back at that time).

Good luck with the issue.


-----Original Message-----
From: RFI [mailto:rfi-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Rich Hallman -
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2015 19:01
To: 'rfi at contesting.com' <rfi at contesting.com>
Subject: [RFI] RFI Broadcast Station Mixing in Crank-Up tower?

Has anyone had any problems with intermittent mixing from a close broadcast
station with a Crank-Up tower?  I think I may have an issue with one of my
towers.   Cranked up I hear mixing all over 80 meters (Every 10
KC).....Cranked down its gone.  I already eliminated the antennas.  Mixing
gets very intermittent in wind as the tower moves around.

Thoughts about grounding the top section to the bottom when fully extended?
Was thinking of grounding the coax at the top and bottom of the tower?


Rich N7TR
Telnet: dxc.n7tr.com N7TR DXCluster

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