[RFI] RFI Broadcast Station Mixing in Crank-Up tower?

john at kk9a.com john at kk9a.com
Fri Oct 30 17:29:28 EDT 2015

I had a similar problem with a 80m rotating dipole on a 160' Rohn 65G
tower when I lived in the Chicago area, although mine was pretty
consistent.  Moving it 650 miles away solved my problem.

John KK9A

To:	"'rfi at contesting.com'" <rfi at contesting.com>
Subject:	[RFI] RFI Broadcast Station Mixing in Crank-Up tower?
From:	Rich Hallman - N7TR <rich at n7tr.com>
Date:	Tue, 20 Oct 2015 02:00:48 +0000

Has anyone had any problems with intermittent mixing from a close broadcast
station with a Crank-Up tower?  I think I may have an issue with one of my
towers.   Cranked up I hear mixing all over 80 meters (Every 10
down its gone.  I already eliminated the antennas.  Mixing gets very
intermittent in wind as the tower moves around.

Thoughts about grounding the top section to the bottom when fully extended?
Was thinking of grounding the coax at the top and bottom of the tower?


Rich N7TR

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