[RFI] Cognitive Networked RF

qrv at kd4e.com qrv at kd4e.com
Sat Sep 5 17:19:33 EDT 2015

Is this partially what ALE attempts?

David KD4E

> This isn't really new, except for the sophistication. Hams have used
> similar, but less precise approaches for a number of years.
> Remember LightSquared and their frequency grab up in the satellite
> frequencies, but this is in the HF bands.  Fortunately the HF bands are
> allocated via an international treaty and I hear no threat to the HF
> bands... so far.
> My point is, that Regardless of where we operate, our access to those
> bands is not guaranteed.  I believe, were it not for the ARRL's efforts,
> (continuing efforts) we would not enjoy the privileges we currently
> enjoy and could easily lose what we have. Our access and maintaining
> that access to the ham bands is fragile and without someone with the
> expertise and ability to justify our existence to agencies and
> politicians we could easily lose those privileges.
> If commercial interests have a strong desire for areas of the spectrum,
> they are willing to spend millions, or more and employ lobbyists to hawk
> those interests via various means.  The ARRL maintains an A-political
> approach, but the agencies that have control over our interests do not,
> nor do those businesses in competition for spectrum.
> Amateurs can do the same auto frequency selection and with prediction,
> although with apparently less complexity. Multiple receivers and
> antennas allow automatic selection of the best antenna, best height, or
> even best band.  Adding the reverse beacon network results and forecasts
> sounds as if it takes us pretty close in practice to what they are
> doing.  The RBN shows us what's happening now. How it's trending, the
> time of day, and solar activity add the predictive aspect.  The only
> real unknown is how much weight to give each input, how far ahead we
> wish to predict (minutes, hours, days, etc),  and the percent certainty
> we require.  For contesters and DXers these abilities can easily
> determine their standings.  For long haul  health and welfare traffic
> with our harmonically related bands, this could actually come down to
> life and death situations.
> The algorithms may be different, but I doubt they are complicated, and
> their inputs may be different, but it sounds to me that implementing
> something similar is well within the reach of many contest stations, or
> even DXers.  The most difficult part would be determining the
> uncertainty permissible.
> 73
> Roger (K8RI)


*David* KD4E
ARES-EC Bulloch County, Nevils, Georgia USA

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