[RFI] New bulb? Acandescence in Finallly bulb

Ron Watson surveyor.ron at gmail.com
Sat Sep 19 21:59:43 EDT 2015

I made some measurements today and put the files in a zip file available at the link below.

Instead of the 1 inch loop at 1" distance (I think that was what I made leakage tests at in the past) I used a 2 turn 30mm loop spaced about 15 mm for these sweeps. The picture labeled 0.jpg is with the light off, just my radio room noise for the bandwidth which is fairly high with all the normal stuff running. No quiet room here.

About the only thing of notice was mid 20 meter band and this moves around some and at a different frequency at each lamp startup. If I feed the test setup directly to my receiver this would be about S-9 or 50uv. I don't know if a 50uv output from my signal generator to this loop would make it to the outside antenna or if the radio case would have enough leakage to hear it.

I plan to put 3 of these in the roof fixture in the radio room when I get to where I can raise my arms again and can check it out. If someone has the bulbs in a fixture, they can dial around the mid 20 meter band and let us know, it may be sometime before I can reach my ceiling again.


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