[RFI] RFI via Florescent Lights

Roger (K8RI) k8ri at rogerhalstead.com
Tue Apr 5 15:17:29 EDT 2016

I have 11, 8', 2 75W tube fixtures from Lowe's, in my shop. The station 
in the shop covers 160 through the 440 bands.  The 40 meter sloper 
passes within 10 feet of the E end of the shop.  LM470 in 10' N of the 
shop while the 100' 45G  is 40' to the S of the shop.  No hash is 
audible on any band, nor visible on the spectrum analyzer.

They've been up there so long I don't remember the ballast specs. They 
are about 2 X 1 X 6 inches and heavy.


Roger  (K8RI)
On 4/5/2016 Tuesday 1:34 PM, Carl Foster wrote:
> Mike,
> I had the same issue with workshop lights. I did so much electrical work
> that the professional electrician supply place I go to gives me excellent
> pricing. I installed new lights in a workshop addition and all they sell are
> the industrial fixtures. I put ferrite chokes everywhere on those fixtures
> and nothing seemed to help. I ended up replacing the ballasts with the
> residential types and everything went quiet. The ballasts are available at
> Home Depot, Lowes, and Ace Hardware.
> Carl  KB7AZ
> Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2016 17:42:23 -0500
> From: "Mike & Becca Krzystyniak" <k9mk at flash.net>
> To: "'RFI List'" <rfi at contesting.com>
> Subject: [RFI] RFI via Florescent Lights
> Message-ID: <00e501d18ec3$42ed7440$c8c85cc0$@net>
> Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="us-ascii"
> Greetings All,
>     I just moved into a new QTH.  My detached garaged has Florescent shop
> lights and unlike the old QTH the RFI from these are pretty darn bad.  Hash
> goes up into the FM broadcast band.
>     I did some reading through the RFI archives and I am not sure of the
> physical DNA of these units (classic or modern or cheap import).  They are
> compact offering high energy output suggests solid state ballast but I have
> not popped one of them open yet to see what might be spewing the hash.
> Instead I find myself in a panic pondering in line filters (like Mousers TE
> Connectivity offerings), or maybe some snap on ferrite, or maybe
> combinations of both.
>     Sanity must prevail.  There are four offending H-E-F's so I'm wondering
> what is the most prudent approach to killing or resolving the problem?
> Short of ripping them out, what might yield the biggest bang for bucks
> already sunk?
> Thanks in advance.
> Best 73     Mike    K9MK/5
> PS: I do intend to get up there tonight and see if these are rated for
> commercial or residential lightings.
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