[RFI] RFI source found!

Mike Smith VE9AA ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca
Sun Aug 28 18:18:27 EDT 2016

I had a similar incident here a few years back.  After a really bad
lightning storm, where myself and several neighbours lost a lot of
electronics (or worse) I had a wicked loud noise on 10m.

(59+20dB iirc) It was audible on other bands too (12m/6m), but 10m was the
worse by far.


Turned out in the end it was my neighbours battery drill charger in his
garage that was left plugged in 24/7-365 and that I had never heard before.

It was around 350' away from my 10m antenna.


I bought him a brand new battery drill (and spare battery!) on sale close to
Fathers Day and traded it with him for his older one.


Silence again on 10m.


Even though the charger still worked fine (and looked and smelled fine) I
can only surmise that one component in the charger had become open or
shorted and things began to radiate.  

I had never heard this noise before and had been parked next to his garage
many times over the years and never a hint of noise.


Anyways, buying the new drill was the best $100 I ever spent.  


Mike VE9AA


Mike, Coreen & Corey

Keswick Ridge, NB


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