[RFI] Galaxy Grow Light Ballast Update

Larry Burke wi5a at sbcglobal.net
Mon Feb 1 12:14:57 EST 2016

This is the input/output filter you may be thinking of: http://growershouse.com/nanolux-rf-filter-set-reduce-rf-interference

At this point I don't think my neighbor wants to do any additional experimenting though. 

Larry K5RK

-----Original Message-----
From: RFI [mailto:rfi-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Hare, Ed W1RFI
Sent: Monday, February 01, 2016 11:08 AM
To: dave at nk7z.net; rfi at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] Galaxy Grow Light Ballast Update

I have seen filters for both the load and lamp side, so you may need to try both.  I had thought it was on the Hydrofarm site, but I don't see the load and lamp filters listed.  I think I ordered some, so I will see when they come in.

If I can get both load and lamp filters, the ARRL Lab would love to have someone install both filters and report on the results. If you have a cooperative neighbor, let me know and we will buy a couple of filters and let you try them.

I'd also like reports on any model numbers, sources, etc., of products that cause bad interference. This post described a model that seems to be pretty clean, and that's very helpful, too.

73, Ed Hare, W1RFI
ARRL Laboratory Manager
225 Main St.
Newington, CT 06111
Tel: (860) 594-0318
Fax: (860) 594-0259
Email: W1RFI at arrl.org
Member: IEEE Connecticut Section
Member: IEEE EMC Society, Board of Directors
Member: IEEE EMC Society Standards Development and Education Committee
Member: University of Hartford Industry Advisory Committee Primary representative:  ANSI ASC C63 EMC Committee, Vice Chair Subcommittee 5 (Immunity)
Member: QRP Amateur Radio Club International, Board of Directors

-----Original Message-----
From: RFI [mailto:rfi-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Dave Cole
Sent: Monday, February 01, 2016 8:09 AM
To: rfi at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] Galaxy Grow Light Ballast Update

Thank you so much for this information.  I will suggest our local grow suppliers use these lights...
73's, and thanks,

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On Mon, 2016-02-01 at 06:46 -0600, Larry Burke wrote:
> W0IVJ's recent post to this reflector coincidently provided links to 
> products I was in the process of installing here. I promised an update 
> after I had a chance to try these products in the field.
> Several weeks ago the neighbors across the street, who are about 750 
> feet from most of my antennas, installed a 1000 watt HPS grow light in 
> their greenhouse. This thing fired up about an hour before my sunrise 
> and shut down about an hour after my sunset. It tore up 160, 80 and 60 
> meters.
> As it
> warmed up you could watch a wide band of S9 noise travel across the 
> spectrum scope trying to decide on the multiple places it wanted to 
> land for the day.
> The ballast was a no-name import designed by Satan himself.
> I had heard good things about the "Revolution Ballast EMI Filter"
> available
> from Hydrofarm so I elected to try that first. I didn't want the 
> increased liability of installing a homebrew filter on someone else's 
> property, so a commercially available filter looked like a great 
> option. The filter attaches to the lamp (load) side of the ballast and 
> does not provide any filtering on the AC input side. Unfortunately, 
> this filter did not reduce the noise from this particular installation 
> by any significant amount.
> The more expensive option was to offer to replace the offending 
> ballast.
> While it was not my responsibility to do so, it was far and away the 
> most expedient and effective way to handle the issue. After a bit of 
> digging around I found the "Galaxy Grow Amp Model 902220". I purchased 
> it from a local vendor who offered to take it back if it did not solve 
> my problem.
> These are also available from online sources for far less than the 
> MSRP shown in the link below. Galaxy advertising touts "ultra low RFI 
> broadband emissions" and several vendors recommend these to growers 
> who would like to minimize an RF signature recognizable by law 
> enforcement. There's an emissions test report by a third-party lab 
> posted on the Galaxy website.
> Galaxy maintains the following: "All Galaxy brand electronic ballasts 
> legitimately pass FCC Article 18 Part B standards. This standard 
> allows for much less radio frequency & electromagnetic interference 
> than Part A.
> (277
> volt Galaxy ballasts are tested to Part A commercial standard). Part B 
> level certification confirms FCC compliance not only for commercial 
> applications, but for residential as well."
> Keep in mind I am a fair distance from the source, but when compared 
> to the original installation the improvement with the Galaxy ballast 
> is remarkable.
> The new ballast was installed without the "Revolution Ballast EMI 
> Filter", by the way.
> I should point out that the neighbor was very cooperative and gave me 
> total access to his greenhouse (veggies and house plants, for those 
> wondering).
> It's a good thing the problem was resolved when it was. They are 
> thinking about building a bigger greenhouse and indicated they would 
> use the Galaxy ballast if and when they buy additional grow lamps. Had 
> I not intervened there may have been several more of Satan's toys to 
> deal with.
> Hope this helps someone in a similar situation. As always, Your 
> Mileage May Vary.
> Links:
> Revolution Ballast EMI Filter - http://tinyurl.com/hclaw3m
> Galaxy Grow Amp Model 902220 - http://tinyurl.com/hx59v5z  (click on 
> the FCC docs button for information on EMC testing)
> Galaxy Grow Amp Model 902220 emissions test report - 
> http://tinyurl.com/hlp9g9k
> Larry K5RK
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