[RFI] HF Handy Talkie for RFI Detection?

Tony dxdx at optonline.net
Fri Feb 5 21:52:41 EST 2016


I've had an RFI issue coming from a specific direction for several 
years. It's a unique noise that appears on several HF bands which is 
usually a couple of S-units above the noise i.e., just enough to cover 
weak signals in that direction.

I thought I could use a VHF / UHF radio to pinpoint the source, but I'm 
not able to hear it on my all-mode VHF/UHF home station with Yagi antennas.

The ideal setup might be a portable HF radio which can tune the same 
frequencies that are susceptible to the noise. Something small enough to 
carry and use with a portable HF loop.

I was thinking about a Kenwood TH-F6A that has HF SSB / CW coverage, but 
I'm told the receiver isn't very sensitive; even with an external antenna.

Any suggestions?



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