[RFI] HF Handy Talkie for RFI Detection?

Kenneth G. Gordon kgordon2006 at frontier.com
Sat Feb 6 12:10:58 EST 2016

On 6 Feb 2016 at 15:38, David Robbins wrote:

> For tracking on foot I use a Grundig G5.  Its reasonable sensitive even with its
> built in antennas, and has a jack for an external antenna.  The internal antenna
> has a nice null so you can just swing it around and get rough bearings.

I hope that everyone here is fully aware that any portable radio which has a 
built-in loop-stick type of antenna exhibits MARKED directional capabilities.

The common loop-stick antenna is, essentially, a minature loaded loop 
antenna with very deep nulls broadside to the loop.

If you must, you can open up the radio in order to determine the orientation 
of that loop-stick within the radio, then as David pointed out, all you have to 
do is to rotate the entire radio to determine a direction to a noise-source.


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