[RFI] Help with tracking power line noise

David Winarsky david at winarsky.com
Sun Feb 21 16:41:08 EST 2016

Hi everyone,

I’m a long time lurker first time poster. I’ve been having serious noise issues at my location and have been on a quest to track them down.  The noises are broadband “buzzing” which are loudest across 40 meters, but go all the way to 10 meters.  

I bought the Tecsun PL-660 and built the loop antenna described in this article (http://www.arrl.org/files/file/RFI/Thompson%20Noise.pdf) and also have a Yeasu FT-60R and an Arrow 440 handheld Yagi.

I went around the neighborhood walking a circular block around my house and believe I tracked, with the loop antenna and Tecsun, 6 different poles producing the loud buzzing .  However, when I went back out with the Yagi and my FT-60 tuned to 440 mhz on AM, I couldn’t pick up the noise.

Is it common for a pole to produce noise on 40-10 meters, but not be able to identify it on 440 mhz?

Also, one of the noise sources seems to be emanating from a utility service drop to a residence.  I haven’t been able to get close because it is on their property, but the service drop seems to be going through a dense orange tree.  I left a note with the neighbor hoping to investigate together.

Thanks everyone for help and I appreciate all the great advice that has already been posted on this list.


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