[RFI] Ugly noise environment

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Wed Feb 24 18:10:59 EST 2016

On Wed,2/24/2016 2:26 PM, Pete Smith N4ZR wrote:
> Does anyone have any ideas from this "signature" what I might be 
> dealing with here? 

Hi Pete,

You're being serenaded by hundreds of switching power supplies and 
microprocessors. If they drift, they're SMPS. If they don't, they're 
from a microprocessor. I'd take a WAG that the average residence has at 
least 30 such noise sources. Virtually every wall wart, battery charger, 
PS for low voltage lighting, computer, computer accessory, variable 
speed motor controller, etc. is an SMPS.

73, Jim K9YC

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