[RFI] can a tower re-radiate RFI?
Don Kirk
wd8dsb at gmail.com
Thu Jan 21 18:49:04 EST 2016
Hi Jamie,
I should mention that I am not sure I can call it re-radiation or just
direct coupling of my direction finding loop to my 68 foot base loaded
vertical, but the results are the same (points me in the wrong direction).
Just FYI,
Don (wd8dsb)
On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 6:44 PM, Don Kirk <wd8dsb at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Jamie,
> I know for sure that my 68 foot base loaded vertical re-radiates signals
> (such as local generated noise). When using my portable direction finding
> gear to track down local noise on 160 meters, my direction finding
> equipment often points me toward my 68 foot base loaded vertical versus the
> true source of the noise if I am within approximately 50 or 75 feet of my
> 68 foot base loaded vertical. Most of the sources of noise that I track
> down are typically within 0.5 miles of my house, and often 500 feet or less
> away. I have never had a new noise pop up that was from within my house
> unless I just installed a new device.
> 73,
> Don (wd8dsb)
> On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 6:17 PM, WW3S <ww3s at zoominternet.net> wrote:
>> And can it be prevented? Trying to track down a loud “buzz” on
>> 160/80.......I used to be able to kill it by turning off the breaker to my
>> outdoor pole light with a photo-eye on it......now, that doesnt even phase
>> it.....found several sources in the house last night (cfl bulbs, a bad
>> flourescent tube, external hard drive power supply) but none even touched
>> the noise I was hearing.....so today, had a little time when I got home
>> from work before dark to walk around the yard with a portable SW
>> radio.....thought maybe it was pad moount power transformer in the
>> neighbors yard, nope...tried the power ped in the corner of my yard,
>> nope...maybe my relatively new “smart” power meter, nope.......then as I
>> walked past the tower, I picked up the buzz in the portable......really bad
>> the closer I got to the tower......thought maybe it was one of the cables,
>> nope.....it seems to be coming from the tower, 50ft Rohn 25....is that
>> possible? Is the tower picking up RFI from a remote source and re-radiating
>> it? It certainly couldnt be generating RFI could it?
>> Jamie WW3S
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