[RFI] ADSL2+ modem crashing solved using power line filter and choke

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Mon Jun 6 19:56:23 EDT 2016

Hi Don,

I strongly recommend that you take this to the ADSL vendor.  It's THEIR 
problem, and THEY should fix it. W8JI did that several years ago when he 
had the same problem, and they brought him a new modem that fixed it.

There are several textbook things that could and should be done. One of 
the most important is replacing telco's wiring in the vicinity of your 
antennas with high quality twisted pair, like CAT5. Another would the 
installation of common mode chokes like those I've recommended on telco 
wiring, on power supply wiring, and on any other cables attached to the 
modem. These measures are THEIR responsibility, not yours.

73, Jim K9YC

On Mon,6/6/2016 1:29 PM, Don Kirk wrote:
> I previously said "I am now out of bullets", but one last thing I 
> would like to try is ADSL2 tone blocking, but when I asked the local 
> tech about that he had no idea how to do it. I am pretty sure it can 
> be done, but will have to study up on it and see how feasible it is.  
> I would like to tone block for the segment of 160 meters I operate to 
> see if that would get me by.
> Don (wd8dsb)

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