[RFI] Wot the heck!?!?!?!?!?! 40 meters,

Rob Atkinson ranchorobbo at gmail.com
Wed Jun 29 19:46:00 EDT 2016

<<<I have suggested that those bothered by plasma televisions make an
offer to the owners: if they will donate the television to the
officers club, air traffic controllers lounge, or avionics shop at a
local Air Force Base or airport, you will buy them a better (and
quieter) replacement.

It might be worth the expense.>>>

If that works you are lucky.  It is certainly worth a try, but don't
count on the plasma TV user to be cooperative.  There's some
psychology involved.  Some folks will see the offer as an attempt at
control, which it is, and resent it.  I don't know the current state
of LCD TV sets because I don't watch TV here much and I'm still
running a CRT set with a converter box.   You may have a better chance
if you do not mention any RFI at all, and simply express a desire to
own a plasma TV because you've never had one before, and ask if they'd
consider selling it.

But there are plasma devotees who are usually sports fans or people
into old movies who insist that the plasmas still have the best
contrast, resolution, lack of latency and so on and they don't want to
give them up.   I'm not sure if you can get a new one or not still,
but eventually if you can't they'll die, but it is taking a looooong
time, and I wouldn't be surprised if businesses spring up to refurbish
them.  This is America after all.   Anyway life is too short so you
have to either fish or cut bait if this is the problem, i.e. figure
out a way to put up with it or move.



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