[RFI] House Ground
Roger (K8RI)
k8ri at rogerhalstead.com
Wed Mar 16 16:54:43 EDT 2016
Many of today's PCs have a plastic case. The only metal is the PS case
and some traces on the motherboard. They can be a real bear when hooked
to a wired network.
Roger (K8RI)
On 3/16/2016 Wednesday 2:24 AM, Robert Nobis wrote:
> Jim,
> Many modern, small profile, PCs have a built in power supply (switching) and are connected to the AC mains with a two wire cord/plug, without a “green wire”. My iMac and MacMini are like this as is my Microsoft Surface Pro 3. Per your step two, should these types of computers also be bonded to the radio with a heavy short braid?
> Thanks 73,
> Bob Nobis - N7RJN
> n7rjn at nobis.net
>> On Mar 15, 2016, at 14:30, Jim Brown <jim at audiosystemsgroup.com> wrote:
>> A connection to Mother Earth has NOTHING to do with solving RFI problems. Proper bonding of all grounded conductors DOES help solve RFI problems.
>> This is the slide show for a tutorial I've done at Pacificon and for several ham clubs.
>> http://k9yc.com/GroundingAndAudio.pdf
>> 73, Jim K9YC
>> On Tue,3/15/2016 11:45 AM, Tom Horton wrote:
>>> I have just noticed that my home built in the 60's does not have an earth ground outside. Could that be causing some some of my weird RFI situations I am encountering. Been here a year almost now and just now really getting on the air.Symptoms ate noisy monitor (already put a lot of chokes on the leads), Monitor screen blacks out when treansmitting on 40 ... Ideas?
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