[RFI] 15 M noise
Mike Ryan
mryan001 at tampabay.rr.com
Thu May 19 09:47:19 EDT 2016
Don, It may eventually take some hard ball 'prodding' to get what you want
at the end of the day, even mentioning the FCC and regulations,etc. The
trouble with that is, if the offender calls your bluff and you have played
the 'FCC Card' you may never get your problem resolved, or at least in a
timely fashion. Michael Martin is in fact an EXPERT in these areas. He has a
long track record, the knowledge, the experience, and if he suggests
something I would indeed heed his advice. In fact there are few real
experts on this subject who are members of the RFI at contesting group. But I
believe that Frank Haas would also recommend the more diplomatic approach
first. No doubt Mike Martin is a busy guy but you might take him up on his
offer to discuss your problem privately by phone...it can't hurt.
When you get your issues resolved I'm sure it will make great
reading here. We in Florida have our own noise demons, especially in the
near salt water areas (right outside my back door). The salt air around here
can tear up power line hardware over time. Adding that to plasma tv sets,
marine battery chargers, wind turbine/solar panels and dc converters, you
get a whole raft of nightmares.
'73, Mike - K4CVL Palmetto, FL
-----Original Message-----
From: Don Kirk
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2016 9:30 AM
Cc: rfi at contesting.com ; w9re at comcast.net
Subject: Re: [RFI] 15 M noise
While I totally agree that "diplomacy is the key to getting a good
resolution", during my last two cases of RFI direction finding and
resolution with the property owners, it was not until I advised them the
consequences of not addressing the interference that I was able to obtain
action from the property owners (both were commercial properties).
In both cases the commercial property owners had to purchase input line
filters for their variable speed drives, but in both cases it took over 6
months to get them to comply and it was not until I mentioned that inaction
on their part would result in an official complaint being filed with the
FCC that they took me seriously. I hate even mentioning the FCC, but when
they start getting very defensive and especially non responsive it has
proven time and time again to be the method that moves things off dead
center for me.
Note: when I first track down the interference I make a video of the
interference and post it on youtube so the property owner can take a look
at it and has a better understanding of the interference issue, and after
we resolve the problem I bake brownies and cookies and hand deliver them to
the property owner.
Don Kirk (wd8dsb)
On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 9:11 AM, EDWARDS, EDDIE J <eedwards at oppd.com> wrote:
> To expand on Mr. Martin's points, in the ARRL's "RFI Book" the first
> chapter has excellent recommendations on Personal Diplomacy that every ham
> should read and learn from. Doesn't matter which direction the RFI is
> coming from, diplomacy is the key to getting a good resolution.
> 73, de ed -K0iL
> -----Original Message-----
> From: RFI [mailto:rfi-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Michael C
> Martin
> Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2016 6:54 AM
> Hello Mike, its not likely to be a 24/7 arc in a house and much more
> likely
> to be a light or TV. If you'd like to call me I'll go over the approach I
> would take in this situation. And they are correct, don't mention the FCC
> or any other authority at this point. Treat it as if you were in their
> shoes.
> Mike Martin
> RFI Services
> 240-508-3760
> Sent with AquaMail for Android
> On May 18, 2016 6:33:04 PM "Mike Wetzel" <w9re at comcast.net> wrote:
> > I have had a broadband noise only detectable on 15 meters when my top
> > antenna (160') is pointed NE. It is not super strong (S6) and weaker on
> the
> > lower yagis. I have had this noise for 8 months now and it has been
> 24/7,
> > rain or shine no change. It sounded like power line noise but today it
> was
> > confirmed by my power company as coming from a house about 1200' away
> from
> > my antenna. The house is in a completely underground area. I took a K3
> > with a mobile antenna over in front of the offending house this
> > afternoon
> > and the noise registered S6 on my K3 where normal noise was S3 and not
> heard
> > on any other bands although I did not change mobile antennas.
> >
> > Does anyone have any ideas what it might be. The utility is going to
> > contact the homeowner next week in my behalf. Obviously you can see my
> > towers/antennas from this house.
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