[RFI] Broadband RFI...

Dave Cole dave at nk7z.net
Tue May 31 19:33:48 EDT 2016

On Tue, 2016-05-31 at 10:53 -0700, Jim Brown wrote:
> On Tue,5/31/2016 6:10 AM, Dave Cole wrote:
> > Could someone expand on this please.
> Here's an applications note I wrote for NCJ. Part One ran in the last 
> issue, Part Two runs in the next.
> k9yc.com/KillingReceiveNoise.pdf
> Comments appreciated -- additions, critical, etc.
> Dave, I STRONGLY recommend that you study your noise in an RF
> spectrum 
> plot (as opposed to audio spectrum). The RF spectrum often yields far 
> more clues. One of the first things you must do is determine whether
> you 
> have impulse noise or electronically generated noise. If it's 
> electronically generated, we must chase it at the frequencies where
> we 
> hear it. If it's impulse noise, we can apply classic power line 
> techniques to finding it.
> 73, Jim K9YC
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Hi Jim,

I swear you have a paper on just about every subject of interest.  

I am doing a bit of RF snooping already, using the P3 fed from the K3,
which shows me plus and minus 100 KHz, not much but it has already shown
that it is VERY unstable on startup, and as time passes, it stables
down.  I will have some movies of this over the next few weeks or so,
using a real SA.  

I will be getting my non portable spectrum analyzer, (ATTEN 5011), out
after Sea-Pac, to look this stuff over.  It is old, it is CRT based, but
it is a spectrum analyzer so it will help!  I will get a few movies of
the RFI as well and post them.

I suspect the RFI is electronic in nature, and I suspect it lives on a
timer as well...  I will know more as I collect on/off time data... 

Thanks again for the paper, I can't wait to read it.  I have learned a
lot from your work, thank you again!  

73's, and thanks,
Dave (NK7Z)
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