[RFI] RFI from CATV line amps?

Tim Duffy k3lr at k3lr.com
Mon Nov 14 22:41:42 EST 2016

Hello Mike and MANY others from RFI:


Thanks for your help and offering your experience.


The cable company will be out tomorrow night to replace the AMP and check
the connectors.


Hopeful that this will fix the broadband RFI


VY 73

Tim K3LR





From: Mike Smith VE9AA [mailto:ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca] 
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2016 4:36 PM
To: rfi at contesting.com
Cc: k3lr at k3lr.com
Subject: Re: [RFI] RFI from CATV line amps?


Hi Tim, 


What I am about to say may not exactly be your problem, but it might not
hurt to check this all the same.

Many moons ago when I still lived inside the city I caused and had RFI from
CATV in my area.

Eventually a CATV Service tech showed up one day and while I listened on
145.250MHz (I think it was) he started tightening F-connectors on a
distribution box up a pole ~ 100' away from our house.

That CATV signal on 145.250MHz went from S9+40dB (or some other enormous # -
don't remember exactly now) down to perhaps S2 or 3.  What I recall was that
with every single spin, the signal went down down down.  Times that by how
ever many coaxes all terminated there...well, you get the idea.


Complaints about me getting into the local channel # whatever it was when I
was on 2m SSB went away.


Also, the RX background noise on some HF bands went way down.


When I talked to the tech he related stories about a lot of these
F-connectors only ever being "finger tight" when installed xx years before.

He also told me in the early days they bought offshore super el-cheapo RG-6
type coax to run to the houses and when folks complained about "snowy TV"
they found lots of it with little to no braid in it.


I think things are (probably/hopefully?) better today, but loose coax
connectors would be something to check.


The 4-Squares I bought from you folks are working great and look forward to
hearing you and the team in CQWW CW.


dit dit


Mike VE9AA



Has anyone ever encountered broad bad RFI from a CATV trunk line amp?

Suspect is 10 feet off a power pole (mid span) - with three quarter inch

CATV hardline connections. RFI occurs "some days from 10 AM to 4 PM. Covers

1 MHz to 50 MHz - pretty equal sig strength end to end.  There is CATV,

Telco, Fiber and AC transmission and distribution all on this same pole.




Your experience with CATV line amps?






Tim K3LR


Mike, Coreen & Corey

Keswick Ridge, NB


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