[RFI] Dang

Peter Laws plaws0 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 31 00:12:36 EDT 2016

I was N5UWY/9 for only 7 years but I had a friend with season tix to
the Cubs so I saw a LOT of games.  Needless to say, I'm invested in
the World Series.  Tired of the crappy production values of the
MLB.com feed of Chicago's WSCR programming, I hauled out the Zenith
Royal 2000 which has reasonably fresh D cells in it (8 of them,
thanks) and tuned in 670 kHz (just above the CD symbol ...).

Oh my god the RFI is awful!  My fluorescent reading light in the
living room is REALLY loud on one setting but turning it off and then
back on ("AS SEEN ON TV") actually makes it better.  Between that and
the tone control, at least got it to a point where it was not too

Now that the game's over, I turned off the 42" Sony LED TV ...  Holy,
crap, now the AM signal sounds like a local even though it's ~1100 km

I don't normally listen to the "Standard Broadcast" band and I know
they are struggling but boy, what a demonstration of what they are up

Peter Laws | N5UWY | plaws plaws net | Travel by Train!

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