[RFI] CATV Frequencies for Leakage Probes
Roger (K8RI)
k8ri at rogerhalstead.com
Wed Sep 14 04:22:34 EDT 2016
Used to be the audio sub carrier for Ch 18 on Charter was on 145.25. I
have no idea now, but cable can cover a very wide spectrum.
I haven't looked at cable with a SA since digital.
There's a lot of internet on there too.
Roger (K8RI)
On 9/13/2016 Tuesday 4:42 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
> I'm working on updates to the ARRL Handbook, and would like to provide
> frequencies for carriers that can be used to probe for cable leakage.
> The idea is to allow a portable RX (like a talkie with wideband RX) or
> a mobile rig to probe along a system.
> A Rigol looking at my drop from the Comcast system here in NorCal
> shows a strong carrier at about 67.2 MHz (-41 dBm), and another around
> 133.23 MHz (-48 dBm). Everything else is around -70 dBm. (I buy only
> internet and basic cable, so I see nothing below 67.2 MHz. Comcast
> discontinued un-scrambled QAM several years ago when the FCC voted to
> allow them to do so.)
> Can anyone provide info about other systems commonly in use?
> Thanks and 73, Jim K9YC
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