[RFI] Air Gig?

Roger (K8RI) k8ri at rogerhalstead.com
Fri Sep 23 21:51:19 EDT 2016

I doubt due to the nature of its propagation that much will happen 
except where the carrier passes through a transformer as in a substation.
Appearance wise they "appear" as if they may not need (yes lots of 
weasel words) to use low voltage residential lines as the height (equal 
to many towers for residential areas) and power will cover wide areas. A 
splice might be bypassed as simple as spraying a coating over the splice 
and back onto the cable as it's the coating that carries the signal.  
Using microwaves would give them a wide spectrum capable of handling 
tremendous, very high speed bandwidth, rather than the BPL of old.

The original probably didn't go far as the main push was for the much 
lower frequency BPL Which if remember correctly was at first favored by 
the FCC until you pointed out its shortcomings.

IOW The Corridor Tech's product did not fit the mold of what had the 
money behind it and It used "new", relatively untested technology, while 
the favored BPL used established tech that was easy for most to 
understand. I believe those behind the old BPL thought they could 
steamroll over any opposition to the shortcomings until you thankfully 
made the magnitude of those shortcomings apparent.

Only after this new tech has been tested will we know if there are any 
side effects. As the signal travels in a basically non conductive medium 
(much like a wave guide), I doubt diode rectification will be a problem, 
but only time will tell.

Hopefully they will be well away from the weak signal satellite down 
link bands


Roger (K8RI)

On 9/22/2016 Thursday 8:02 AM, Hare, Ed W1RFI wrote:
> This surfaced during the actual BPL days, with a company called Corridor Technology, if I recall the name correctly. It never really went anywhere.  How this will work when the propagating wave hits the wire connecting a transformer, a junction, or even a splice that uses parts bigger than the wavelength remains to be seen.
> ________________________________________
> From: RFI [rfi-bounces at contesting.com] on behalf of JW via RFI [rfi at contesting.com]
> Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2016 7:58 AM
> To: Frenaye, Tom, K1KI; RFI Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [RFI] Air Gig?
> Ah. The well-known (among some of us) G-Line or Goubau line single-wire transmission line.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goubau_line
> The secret is a thin layer of dielectric on the surface of a conductor (yielding a slower-than-light propagation velocity CLOSE to the wire) and the RF energy is then 'loaded' onto the wire via "launchers" (coax to horn transitions basically) on each end.
> Think groundwave propagation close to the earth on the lower frequency bands.
> Something old is "new all over again."
> Jim WB5WPA
>        From: Tom Frenaye <frenaye at pcnet.com>
>   To: RFI Mailing List <rfi at contesting.com>
>   Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2016 10:44 PM
>   Subject: Re: [RFI] Air Gig?
> See also
> http://www.arrl.org/news/at-t-s-new-airgig-not-your-father-s-bpl
> Tim/k1KI
>> On Sep 21, 2016, at 7:54 PM, Gary K9GS <garyk9gs at wi.rr.com> wrote:
>> Hi Gordon,
>> I hope you are correct.  Nice to get a quick answer from someone in the know.
>>> On 9/21/2016 6:27 PM, James Gordon Beattie, Jr. wrote:
>>> Gary et al,
>>> I don't  think you will have any issues with this technology.
>>> I am familiar with its technology and under a strict NDA, so this is all I can say on the subject.
>>> 73,
>>> Gordon Beattie, W2TTT
>>> 201.314.6964
>>> Sent from AT&T Mail on Android <https://att.overview.mail.yahoo.com/mobile/?.src=Android>
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> *From*:"Gary K9GS" <garyk9gs at wi.rr.com>
>>> *Date*:Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 18:41
>>> *Subject*:[RFI] Air Gig?
>>> This can't be a good thing:
>>> http://www.pcworld.com/article/3122458/mobile/att-reveals-airgig-multi-gigabit-wireless-broadband-that-uses-power-lines.html?token=%23tk.PCW_nlt_pcw_tech_html_2016-09-21&idg_eid=58c8d447fd7c3e5ea30ed2f3dbbcc6ac&utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Top%20Stories%20%40PCWorld%202016-09-21&utm_term=pcw_tech_html
>>> --
>>> 73,
>>> Gary K9GS
>>> Greater Milwaukee DX Association: http://www.gmdxa.org
>>> Society of Midwest Contesters: http://www.w9smc.com
>>> CW Ops #1032 http://www.cwops.org
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>> --
>> 73,
>> Gary K9GS
>> Greater Milwaukee DX Association: http://www.gmdxa.org
>> Society of Midwest Contesters: http://www.w9smc.com
>> CW Ops #1032  http://www.cwops.org
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