[RFI] Noise - where do I start?

thoyer thoyer1 at verizon.net
Sun Sep 25 09:57:02 EDT 2016

Hi Gordon, 
Can't say for sure about the solar panels. I'll have to take a tour of the
neighborhood with a portable.
About 10 minutes after I made the posting, noise stopped. All bands returned
to the noise level I'm accustomed to. 
I would think that would rule out a utility issue which is too bad as my
local utility is usually very responsive to these things. Would have been a
couple phone calls to get into the que.....
Looks like tours of the area and some logging of when I hear the noise is in
order. My radio play time is very limited so finding a trend may take some
time / effort on my part.
Thanks for the insight.


From: James Gordon Beattie, Jr. [mailto:w2ttt at att.net] 
Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2016 9:42 AM
To: thoyer; rfi at contesting.com
Cc: W2TTT J. Gordon Beattie; BEATTIE JR. GORDON
Subject: Re: [RFI] Noise - where do I start?


Needed more coffee...
Saw the video.   Do your neighbors have new solar panels?
Inverters on the panels could be in play.  Does it quiet down after dusk?
Try taking a portable radio for a walk.
A Kenwood TH-F6A in SSB mode can be handy both with the internal AM bar
antenna and a whip.
Gordon Beattie,  W2TTT 

Sent  <https://att.overview.mail.yahoo.com/mobile/?.src=Android> from AT&T
Mail on Android


From:"thoyer" <thoyer1 at verizon.net>
Date:Sun, Sep 25, 2016 at 8:56
Subject:[RFI] Noise - where do I start?

Haven't been active much of the summer. In the recent weeks I started
noticing a very broad band noise. 

Link to a video file (large). www.thdesignsinc.com/noise

There are times when it totally disappears but I have not spent enough
time(yet) noting when I hear it and when I don't.

I shut down the power in the house and only had the radio plugged in - no

Looking to be pointed in the right direction - power line noise or possibly


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