[RFI] Noise - where do I start?

thoyer1 at verizon.net thoyer1 at verizon.net
Mon Sep 26 08:58:46 EDT 2016


Antenna for the video shown is a Battle Creek Special that I built for 160, 80 and 40. I also have a TH6 on a 40ft tower with a 5 element 6m beam 8' above that.

Power lines in the town are all overhead. My property has stepped down 120 across the back and 13kv (?) along one side that is manually switched into service when needed by the power company. This 13kv continues across the front of the property along with another level of lines above (higher voltage?).

Most properties in my area are 1/4 to 1/2 acre lots. Mine lot is 1/2 acre.


Sep 25, 2016 08:08:30 PM, jwin95 at yahoo.com wrote:



>From my  perspective we are missing a few key pieces of information.

Information such as:

1) What kind of antenna was used on the radio in the first video?

80m dipole? 20-15-10 meter beam? etc.

2) How are the distribution lines run in *your* neighborhood?

For instance, our distribution lines are run underground to transformers on concrete pads. Most older neighborhoods have a full three phases or maybe just a single phase run along the tops of poles with the secondary mush lower with one transformer per 4 to 8 customers. There are above ground 3 phase lines feeding these underground lines through risers off on the ends of the streets.

3) Are there 'masses of humanity' surrounding you? 
 In my case I am surrounded by neighbors on all sides in a +30 yo subdivision on small lots. I have had far more interference (knock on wood) from power lines arcing than malfunctioning consumer electronics devices this year. 

73,Jim WB5WPA 

       From: thoyer 
 To: rfi at contesting.com 
 Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2016 7:09 PM
 Subject: Re: [RFI] Noise - where do I start?
Thank you all for the many good suggestions. I will run the line sync and
audio sync tests soon and report my findings to the group.

As of right now the noise seems to have subsided but was present most of the
day (at least whnever I turned the rig on to check). Also note, today was a
little breezy and the breeze is gone now. Maybe a clue - a data entry point
for my log.

Last week we had a day or so of rain and the noise was 40 over on most
bands. It was reduced the following day as we dried out and was totally gone
by the third day. It has been dry the last week so what I captured today was
not due to wet conditions.

I've lived at this house since 91 and have never had noise like this. I was
not very active over the summer so I can't say for sure when it started. It
was not present last winter / spring.

Again, I'll report back with my findings as I get them.



-----Original Message-----
From: RFI [mailto:rfi-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Gary Peterson
Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2016 7:52 PM
To: rfi at contesting.com
Subject: [RFI] Noise - where do I start?

I have also had very good success with doing this.  Many oscilloscopes, even
old ones, have the option of using the power line as a horizontal sweep
If LINE is selected for the horizontal sweep and audio from your speaker is
routed to the vertical input, the display may be very telling.
Turn off any noise blanking and watch the interference spikes.  If they are
stationary, your noise source is synchronized with your power line
frequency.  Possibly a utility company problem.
If the interference spikes drift, it is not likely to be a utility company
problem.  More likely a switching power supply or something similar.


"Another thing would be look at the audio on a scope and try to sync it to
60 Hz. If it syncs to 60 Hz, there's a good chance that it's power line
noise.73, Jim K9YC"
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