[RFI] led bulbs?

Wes Stewart n7ws at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 30 12:44:40 EDT 2016

It's not shiny new, but I have one a hundred miles or so from me.  You would have to pave half of AZ with solar cells to equal its output.
The federal government has no business doing about 90% of what it does. Where in the Constitution does it mention how much water my toilet should use per flush?

From: Michael Coslo <mcoslo at comcast.net>

The problem of course, is that no one wants that shiny new nuc power plant in their backyard.

-73 de Mike N3LI -

> On Sep 29, 2016, at 6:54 PM, Carl Foster <carlfoster at cactuscomm.net> wrote:
> I personally believe that the federal government has no business dictating
> light bulb efficiency standards in the first place. 

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